
The Joys Of Having A Bicornuate Uterus

During one of my trips to Jacksonville, I found out some discouraging news. I had been taking injections for about seven days. Dr. Winslow came in and did the usual vaginal ultrasound to check and see how much progress I had made since my last visit. I still only had eight follicles (the eggs grow inside of follicles). I was a little bummed and confused. Dr. Winslow went on to tell me that people with uterine anomalies (which is what a bicornuate uterus is) generally have lower ovarian egg reserves. Here's a quick little bit of info for you, in case you don't know: baby girls are born with all the eggs they will EVER produce. EVER. So, if you have a bicornuate uterus, it is highly likely that you were not born with as many eggs as "normal" people. So, not only do I have a deformed uterus, but I don't have very many eggs. I mean, I went into everything thinking that it was highly likely that they would retrieve around 26 eggs. Now I am faced with the harsh reality that there might only be eight or less if some of the follicles that are there now mature too quickly. IVF is stressful and so unpredictable. We continue to covet your prayers on this hard road. 

1 comment :

  1. Abby, God has this. If you have 8 eggs then all you need is 8. Remember the loaves and fishes? Trust Him, he is very much in the miracle business today.
