
Transfer Day

Dr. Winslow called me the following Tuesday. He told me that of the ten eggs that were retrieved, six eggs fertilized, forming embryos. Dr. Winslow wanted to do a three-day-transfer. So, Aaron, Eric, Kristi and I loaded up and went to Jacksonville for the transfer. Dr. Winslow talked to all four of us about the quality of the embryos. After the doctors at F.I.R.M. watched my embryos around the clock, some of them stopped growing. Ultimately, we were left with only two embryos that could be used. There were no embryos left over to be cryopreserved in case this fresh cycle does not work. I would be lying if I told you this didn't upset me. It sent chills up my spine to know that we have already spent around $24,000 just on the IVF with a Gestational Carrier part (not counting our legal contract) and this is basically our one shot.

Dr. Winslow transfered the two embryos, this simply increases our chances of becoming pregnant at all. After the transfer, Kristi had to stay laying down in the office for 30 minutes. We then loaded up and rode down the road to the hotel. Kristi had to be on bedrest the rest of the day, with her hips elevated (with a bunch of pillows) so me and Kristi hung out in the hotel room all day just talking and watching TV. Aaron and Eric had big plans :)! They went to see a movie and all kinds of stuff! Don't worry though, they brought us meals and snacks! They ended their fun that night at Dave & Buster's arcade. I am thankful that Eric was able to go, to keep Aaron company and to just let Aaron have fun. Between this past year and Aaron's job lately, he needed to get-away and enjoy himself.

We traveled back home the next day and Kristi took it easy the rest of the week and the following weekend. We have had to endure a two-week wait before we could have Kristi's blood draw to find out if we were pregnant. This two-week wait is coming to an end so please stay tuned...

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